"An intimate wedding would really be the most elegant," Sandi Cooper said as she snuggled up against her future brother-in-law Bernard Morton. Dressed in a skintight, poison green dress that could have easily passed for a tattoo and with her blonde hair teased into a bouffant style reminiscent of Early Dolly Parton, Sandi was looking extremely...appealing.
"Elegant is good," Bernard agreed, not bothering to move away from Sandi. The two of them were in his office while his fiancee Mindy packed up her desk, a chilliness emanating from her every time she looked at her sister. He wasn't quite sure what Mindy's problem was when it came to Sandi. True, Sandi was a bit on the flashy side but flashy could be fun.
"Bernard, your lawyer is on the phone," Mindy called from the outer office. "He said it's urgent."
Bernard rolled his eyes for Sandi's benefit. "Everything is urgent when you're a high powered businessman," he mused.
Sandi squeezed his arm tightly. "You are such a dynamo," she murmured. "How did my do-gooder sister ever manage to snag a man like you?"
"Bernard!" Mindy called again. "Are you taking the call?"
"I'm on it," he called back somewhat reluctantly. He far preferred chatting with Sandi and listening to her tell him how wonderful he was. Come to think of it, Mindy wasn't too big on telling him anything like that and never really had been. A slight frown formed on Bernard's perfectly chiseled face. Something wasn't right with this picture but Bernard wasn't clever enough to figure out what that something might be. Picking up his telephone, Bernard spoke to his lawyer Sam, bracing himself for what had to be the inevitable bad news about the weight loss product he was trying to market.
"Yes, Sam? Oh, yes...what have you heard? Are you kidding me? Is that the final answer? All right. Try again and let me know."
Mindy appeared in the doorway. "Was that about Fat Off?" she asked.
"Fat what?" Sandi questioned.
Mindy ignored her sister. "What did Sam say, Bernard?"
Bernard shook his head. "Nothing for you to worry your pretty head over. Let's go out for drinks, ladies."
"Bernard, what did Sam say? Will you be able to market Fat Off or is it totally unsafe? I'm going to be your wife, Bernard! I have a right to know if my new husband is going to be spending our honeymoon behind bars!"
Bernard continued to ignore Mindy, a habit that was getting all too easy to fall into. "I don't know about you two but I'm in the mood for a big, old martini. How about you, Sandi? Are you a 'tini gal?"
Sandi fluttered her thick eyelashes at him and managed to make Bernard forget the very bad news his lawyer had just delivered. "Why, I think I can be any kind of gal that you want me to be, Bernard."
Oh, yes. Flashy could be a whole lot of fun.
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