Passion, Power, and Intrigue in An Enduring Family Drama

Monday, July 29, 2013

As Long as There's Sara Lee Cheesecake in the World...

A brilliant chemist has been murdered in Schuyler Square. Fritz Weiss , an employee of Kutrate Kemicals, has been found lifeless in his lab. Although not a popular member of the Schuyler Square community, Fritz didn't have any known enemies. It's the job of the police department to see who wanted Fritz out of the picture enough to kill him...

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Bernard Morton demanded of police officer Peter Van Husen. "I didn't have anything to do with Fritz's death. He worked for me. If I wanted to get rid of him, all I had to do was fire him, not kill him!"

"We'd like it if you'd come down to the police station, sir," Peter said politely.

"Are you arresting him, Officer?" Sandi asked, eyeing Peter like he was a very large cupcake and she hadn't eaten for at least three days. "I'd be happy to vouch for my future brother-in-law's character," she added while managing to smile seductively at both Peter and Bernard at the same time.

Peter glanced over at Sandi, his blue eyes taking in her skin tight dress and plunging neckline. "That's all right, ma'am. I think everyone in Schuyler Square is well aware of what kind of character Bernard Morton has."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Bernard asked. "I'm telling you right now that I'm not going anywhere without my lawyer." He snapped his fingers. "Mindy, get one of my lawyers on the phone."

"Which one?" Mindy asked.

"I don't care--any of them. No, wait, get Greg Bradshaw. He's the best with criminal stuff."

"Criminal stuff!" Betsy Cooper put her hands up over her eyes and started to cry. "How could this be happening? Don't you understand that we have a wedding happening in one week? What about the entertainment? What about the personal tribute to The Partridge Family that I'm putting together for the DJ? What about the meal I've planned? Don't you people care about anything important?"

"We happen to think murder is very important, ma'am," Peter Van Husen replied.

"Well, maybe you do but I don't. The man is dead. Can't you put off your investigation until after the wedding? This may be Mindy's only chance to snag a husband and I don't want to see it go to waste."

"There will still be a wedding, Mom," Bernard told Betsy. "I guarantee that one way or another, you'll be my mother-in-law."

"Now what's that supposed to mean?" questioned Mindy. "It sounds like you'd be perfectly happy to marry me or my trampy sister."

"Well, when you put it that way, I guess I wouldn't mind marrying either of you. You've got the brains and your sister..." Bernard looked over at Sandi and her protruding chest, "has the body. Kind of a win-win situation that makes me wish polygamy was legal."

"You're sick!" Mindy screamed as she threw Bernard's cell phone at him. "Call your own damn lawyer! I bet you killed Fritz anyway. It wouldn't surprise me one bit. He knew where all your skeletons are buried. You did kill him, didn't you, Bernard?"

"Mindy, stop it! You don't know what you're saying," Betsy hissed. "You'll never catch someone as rich and as good looking as Bernard!"

"I don't care! I don't care if I spend the rest of my life alone--I'd rather be alone than be married to him! Don't you get it, Mom? He's a murderer! Now I'd appreciate it if you'd all leave my apartment right now!"

An uneasy silence fell over the room. "Well, what are you waiting for? GET OUT!"

Slowly, Sandi, Betsy, Bernard and Peter filed out of Mindy's apartment. When she was alone again, Mindy went straight to her freezer and removed a Sara Lee cheesecake. Biting into the frozen creamy goodness, Mindy immediately forgot about her sister, her crazy mother and her horrible ex-fiance. Truly, as long as there was Sara Lee in the world, who needed romance?

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