Passion, Power, and Intrigue in An Enduring Family Drama

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Maid of Honor

"If I were you, I'd elope," Betsy Cooper advised her daughter. "No muss, no fuss and you won't have to deal with caterers. Heaven only knows how clean they keep their kitchens! You'd be much better off going to the local justice of the peace and tying the knot there."

Mindy felt her teeth grind together, undoubtedly ruining the thousands and thousands of dollars that she'd put into them over the years. That always happened whenever she saw her mother. She ground her teeth until her jaw ached and her molars pulsed. "We're considering eloping," she said, "but a real wedding might be nice tool." Actually--until her mother had told that she should elope--Mindy had wanted a quickie ceremony without any guests. But since that was what her mother was advising, Mindy didn't want to do that. There was something about their relationship that instantaneously turned her into a contrary ten-year-old.

"True," Betsy said thoughtfully. "Then Sandi could be your maid of honor."

"I don't think so. I have closer friends here in Schuyler Square who I'd rather have as my maid of honor."

"Mindy, that simply isn't done and it would be cruel not to include Sandi. I don't know why you can't get along with her. She's your only sister. You two should be better friends."

Like that was ever going to happen. It would be easier for Mindy to be friends with a barracuda than it would for her to be friends with Sandi. "I think your idea about eloping is the best one. Bernard and I want to keep it simple."

"You could have a simple wedding."

"Two minutes ago you wanted me to elope!"

"I'm entitled to change my mind, aren't I?"

"The only reason your in favor of a wedding is so Sandi can be in it. Why don't you bug her to get married? I'm sure she'd let you take care of all the details."

"That's because Sandi has always listened to me, unlike some people." Betsy sighed dramatically. "Well, do what you want. You always do anyhow." A knock on Mindy's front door interrupted them. Gratefully, Mindy got to her feet. Maybe it was Bernard. She hoped it wasn't Tyler. Truly, she wasn't sure who it could be since in spite of what she'd told her mother, Mindy really didn't have too many friends in Schuyler Square.

She pulled open the door and gasped. Standing in front of her was a tall, stunning redhead who was a dead ringer for Ginger Grant of Gilligan's Island fame. "What are you doing here?" Mindy demanded.

"Where else would I be?" her sister Sandi asked. "My big sister is getting married. Of course I want to be here for the big day."

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