Passion, Power, and Intrigue in An Enduring Family Drama

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mindy Says Yes

Mindy considered Bernard's proposal for less than a minute. If she married Bernard, it was pretty obvious that she could no longer work for him so becoming his wife was one way to get out of her dreary job at Kutrate Kemicals. Plus he was very good looking and extremely rich and about to get richer once Fat Off hit the shelves. But on the other hand, he was a pompous, conceited bore and if she became Mrs. Bernard Morton she would be stuck with spending the next thirty or so years sitting across the breakfast table from him listening to him read her his horoscope. Needless to say, Bernard was a Leo.

But Mindy's mouth didn't seem to be paying any attention to her mind. "Yes," she heard herself say, "I'll marry you."

Bernard looked surprised. "You will?"

"Why not?"

"What about your boyfriend Tyler?"

"What about him? Besides, you just asked me to marry you. You can't care too much what Tyler's going to think about that or anything else."

"Well, you know I've never really given anyone much thought besides myself."

"I have noticed that about you," Mindy said, giving Bernard half a point for being honest about his innate selfishness.

"Tyler just popped into my head because I know you've been dating for awhile. That will have to stop once we're married."

"It will stop way before we're married," Mindy said, "along with a few other things. If I marry you, Bernard, I want to stop working and I want a pre-nup that will spell out exactly what I'll get if we ever divorce."

"I don't believe in pre-nups."

"Why doesn't that surprise me? If you want to marry me, we're going to figure things out before we get to the altar. I also want to be able to pick where we're going to live and I want a new car for an engagement present."

"Geez, you sure know what you want. How about what I want?"

Mindy smiled sweetly at her fiance. "Why, I thought you wanted me, Bernard. Isn't that enough?"

Pulling Mindy into his arms, Bernard kissed her and for one moment, Mindy forgot that she was marrying her boss strictly for his money.

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