Passion, Power, and Intrigue in An Enduring Family Drama

Monday, April 16, 2012

Schuyler Square Day 30 Mavis

"I demand that you release me! Immediately!" Mavis Schuyler pounded on the door of the room she was locked in, taking care not to break any of her nails. She appeared to be locked in some kind of tool shed. At least she assumed that it was a tool shed but she couldn't testify to it in court since she'd certainly never been in a tool shed in her entire life. But she supposed that if she'd ever thought about what the interior of one might look like, this dark, cobwebby, dusty shack that she was currently incarcerated in would come pretty close. Mavis shuddered. She'd never considered herself to be claustrophobic but a few hours in this place was changing her mind on that one.

She wished she knew how long she'd been trapped in this horrid little box but she wasn't sure. When she'd come to after being bopped on the head with something big and heavy, she had found herself wrapped in one of the cheap sheets from the County Line Inn. Whoever had left her in the shed had also left her clothes in a neatly folded pile. But her watch was gone as was her purse and her cell phone. Mavis didn't have a clue as to what time it was. For all she knew a week could have passed.

Mavis began pounding on the door again. "Let me out! Don't you hear me? This is Mavis Schuyler and you need to LET ME GO!"

Silence. Momentarily defeated, Mavis sank to the rough wood floor. What was happening? Why would anyone want to kidnap her?

Duh. Because you're worth millions and the economy is in the dumpster. 

Still, kidnapping? It was so...Patty Hearst. Besides, she lived in Schuyler Square, Illinois not Europe or even Philadelphia. Things like this simply didn't happen in her small corner of the world. At least they'd never happened until now.

Sitting in the dark, Mavis mulled over the possibility that maybe money wasn't the motivation behind this ridiculous kidnapping. Maybe someone really and truly wanted to get rid of her. But who?It wasn't like she had any enemies. Well, not many. Not anyone who really mattered.

But since she didn't have anything else to do, Mavis decided to go over the list of people who might not be all that broken up if she vanished.

Well, there was Ron. Mavis had no illusions that Ron might not be happier without her around. He'd have access to her money, he could find himself a young cutie who would at least act interested in his dull stories and dreary attempts at romance in the sack and he'd be able to do whatever he wanted, 24/7 without Mavis pointing out the mistakes he was making.

Then there was Peter's wife. If Chelsea Van Husen knew what was going on between Mavis and Chelsea's husband, she'd undoubtedly be glad to get rid of the other woman. Mavis wrinkled her surgically modified nose. No way would a chipmunk like Chelsea be able to come up with a kidnapping plot. The woman looked like she spent her evenings clipping coupons and reading the TV Guide. Hardly a mastermind.

Well, how about Rosanne? Mavis had been rather curt with her housekeeper lately. Hadn't she had to scold Rosanne three times on how she kept on banging the baseboards with the vacuum cleaner? Maybe kidnapping Mavis was the maid's revenge.

Oh, this was crazy. Rosanne wasn't the type to kidnap anyone. It would be about as logical to accuse Tyler or Brad or Tiffany or one of the ladies from the Schuyler Square Country Club.

Mavis pulled her knees up to her chest and sank her chin on top of them. Did it really matter who was behind all of this? What mattered was how she was going to save herself. Mavis had many, many things to do and starving to death in a tool shed most definitely wasn't one of them. If only Peter hadn't left so abruptly, then she wouldn't be in this situation.

Where the hell was Peter, anyway? For a knight in shining armor, Mavis was beginning to have a few doubts about Peter Van Husen.

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